We Are Success Driven

​Individual Customized Creative Approach & Solutions

Every client has unique needs, opportunities and priorities, our plans are always custom built and based on the needs of your specific hotel.

Return On Investment

The true measurement of our success is our proven ability to deliver reservation bookings. We grow booking results year over year, and we grow advance bookings, which result in higher
occupancy levels and ADRs.

In short we get it!

You have a hotel to operate, and we will effectively function as your call center.


  •  Achieve higher occupancy levels 

  • · Increase ADR by reducing discounting

  • · Increase ADR by increasing direct bookings & reducing OTA sales costs 

  • · Generate highly qualified call conversions

  • · Increase your reputation rankings with a total focus on earning & growing 5 star reviews

  • · Seamless integration with no extra staff work
  • · Create a private label 800 and local personalized phone lines

  • · Direct access to your PMS system for seamless live time reservations

  • · In house air desk that is ARC bonded

  • · Assistants with packaging in all niche markets

  • · Assistants with monthly e-blast / specials

  • · Work in conjunction with your marketing manager

  • · Yield management  (OTA’s)

  • · Answer all email inquiries

  • · Assistance with group events / no work permits for me to attend

  • · Hotel direct approved for all national BTO offers and reimbursement reporting

  • · Segmenting your database based on niche marketing for better delivery of messages

  • · Attended all niche trade shows as needed with knowledgeable staff

  • · Issuing and maintaining Tour Operator Contracts and content

  • · Update all third party websites for accuracy and continuous changes

  • · Trip Advisor responses and specials

 And much more….. We are your partner on this side of the pond.